Dream Avatar Creator Tinierme' title='Dream Avatar Creator Tinierme' />Write your name in graffiti style The Graffiti Creator allowes you to design your own name or logotype in graffitistyle. Aang was a male Air Nomad born in 12 BG and the Avatar during the centurylong conflict known as. Dream Avatar Creator TgDream Avatar Creator FreeDream Avatar Creator GaiaAang Avatar Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. This article is about the character. For other similar uses, see Aang disambiguation. I wasnt there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. Im gonna make a difference this time. Avatar Aang to Chief. Dream Avatar Creator Game' title='Dream Avatar Creator Game' />Arnook. Hair color. Dark brown typically shavedLove Interest. Katara wifeAllies. Appa, Katara, Momo, Sokka, Tenzin, Toph, Zuko, King. Bumi, Bumi, Gyatso, Hakoda, Iroh, Kya, Suki, Kuzon, lion turtle, all Avatars, more. Enemies. Azula, Ozai, Zuko formerly, Combustion Man, Long Feng, Sozin, Yakone, Zhao, Joo Dee, the Dai Li, more. Profession Air Nomad culture teacher Airbending instructor Avatar Monk. Successor. Aang was a male Air Nomad born in 1. BG and the Avatar during the century long conflict known as the Hundred Year War. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku,5 and his immediate successor is Avatar Korra. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He was also one of a select few Avatars, and one of the first in many cycles6 to learn the ancient art of energybending, and the first Avatar known to have actively used the technique. Shortly before the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Aang was frozen in an iceberg for a hundred years he later emerged, still biologically twelve years old, into a world engulfed by war. During his absence, the Fire Nation had waged war upon the other nations and managed to completely wipe out the pacifistic Air Nomads. It fell to Aang, the last airbender and the Avatar, to end the War by mastering the other three elements and defeating Fire Lord. Ozai. He remained a kind and goofy kid at heart throughout his year long struggle, despite the overwhelming loss of his people and the heavy burdens he was forced to bear. After his victory over the Phoenix King, Aang began a romantic relationship with his close friend, Katara. The couple eventually married and raised a family of three children Bumi, a nonbender who became an airbender later in life, Kya, a waterbender, and the youngest, Tenzin, an airbender. History Early life Aang was taken away shortly after his birth. Aang was born to two Air Nomads in 1. BG. After selecting the Avatar relics from among thousands of toys, thereby inadvertently confirming his identity as the Avatar, he was taken away by the monks of the Southern Air Temple, who kept his position a secret from him. As an Air Nomad, Aang traveled extensively around the world. During his childhood, Aang was housed, raised, and educated at the Southern Air Temple, under the guardianship of Monk Gyatso, who served as his father figure, counselor, and tutor. As a child, Aang was a member of the Air Scouts, where he learned essential skills such as how to tie reins to a bisons horns with the bison horn knot. When Aang turned six years old, he and several other young Air Nomad boys were taken to the Eastern Air Temple where they each chose a sky bison as their lifelong companion. Aang approached his soon to be sky bison Appa and offered him an apple, which Appa accepted, thus marking the start of their deep and lifelong friendship. Aang was always able to excel at any new bending moves he learned at the age of six, he was a better airbender than children twice his age, and by the age of ten, Aang had proven himself to be better than his own teachers. For exhibiting prodigious talent with his native element, air, he earned airbending tattoos and the status of an airbending master at the age of twelve, making him the youngest airbending master in Air Nomad history1. AG, when his granddaughter, Jinora, received her tattoos at the age of eleven. In his childhood, Aang also visited the other air temples, as evidenced by his obvious familiarity with the Western Air Temple,1. Earth Kingdom, such as Omashu, where he developed a lasting friendship with the good natured but eccentric Bumi. He even bonded closely with children in the Fire Nation, like Kuzon,1. Aang was informed of his Avatar status prematurely. Due to the signs of a possible war approaching, Aang was told about his status as the Avatar at age twelve, four years earlier than the traditional age of sixteen. Aang felt burdened by his status as the other children refused to play with him anymore and he came to spend more time practicing airbending with the monks. Intervencion En Crisis Manual Moderno Pdf. Monk Gyatso was the only one who showed understanding of Aangs burden, having been good friends with Avatar Roku, Aangs past life,2. Aang through the transition from childhood to adulthood by providing Aang with balance through fun during the upheaval in his life. However, Aang later discovered that he would be sent to the Eastern Air Temple in order to complete his airbending training far away from Monk Gyatso, whom the other monks thought was too soft on him. Afraid and confused, the young airbender ran away with his flying bison, Appa, though they became caught in a storm shortly after, which caused them to crash into the water. Aang saved himself and Appa from drowning by semi consciously entering the Avatar State and freezing them both in a sphere of ice through a combination of airbending and waterbending. The Avatar State kept him alive, albeit not fully conscious, in the iceberg for about a hundred years while the war raged on. Winter 9. 9 AG Main article History of Aang 1. BG 1. 00 AGAang did not physically age inside an iceberg. One hundred years later, Aang was found and freed from the iceberg by siblings Katara and Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe. He quickly befriended them and almost immediately attracted the attention of Prince. Zuko, who was to capture him by order of his father, Fire Lord Ozai. A newly formed Team Avatar set out to find a waterbending master who could teach Katara and Aang, evading Zukos attempts to capture them on their journey to the North Pole. Avast Antivirus Update File. While helping rid Senlin Village of Hei Bai, a spirit that was destroying their village, Aang crossed over to the Spirit World where he met Fang, the animal guide of his predecessor, Avatar Roku. He was instructed to visit an Avatar Temple on Crescent Island during the winter solstice so he could talk with Avatar Roku. Despite a run in with most of the Fire Sages, a group whose loyalty had reallocated to the Fire Lord, Aang managed to speak with Roku, who warned him about the impending arrival of Sozins Comet, which would grant the Fire Nation enough power to win the War. Aang, merged with the Ocean Spirit, drove off the Fire Nation Navy. Roku urged Aang to master the three remaining elements before summers end, when the comet was due to arrive, or no one would ever be able to restore balance to the world. Ulead Media Studio 6.5 Download. When Aang was later captured by Admiral. Zhao, Zuko came to his aid under the identity of the Blue Spirit, freeing the former so that he could capture the Avatar himself. Aang, Sokka, and Katara continued their travels to the Northern Water Tribe, all the while developing a tighter bond and Aang beginning to develop a crush on Katara. Upon the groups arrival at the Northern Water Tribe, Aang was displeased to learn that the waterbending master, Pakku, would not teach Katara, due to the tradition of not teaching females in combative waterbending. Instead, Katara learned how to heal injuries using water. However, she was able to change Pakkus mind, and they both began to learn under him. The period of calm was brief, as Zhao1.