Can anyone explain, what is the difference between MODBUS and PROFIBUS. I think they are communication protocols but what is the basic difference. How to transfer data PLC to PC through RS2. How to transfer data PLC to PC through RS2. How to accomplish basic data transfer from any PLC to any PC by conventional networking. Curiosity Development Board. Your next embedded design idea has a new home. Curiosity is a costeffective, fullyintegrated 8bit development platform targeted at. The source for information on Linuxunix Smart Homes. File download accelerator with browser integration, task scheduler, automatic posttask actions, malware checker, MD5 and SHA1 verifier, Clipboard and. Compiling A C# Program Using Command Line Utility Csc.Exe. QRCZgn11UM/0.jpg' alt='Driver Modbus Linux' title='Driver Modbus Linux' />Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, MODBUSTCP library and driver for multiple platforms including. NET, Linux, Windows, Windows CE, QNX, Java, Delphi, Solaris and UNIX. Hi,Would you pls give me some insight on how to trasnfer data from PLC to PC. Suppose I have any PLC, at its basic let us programme with ladder logic. How do I have communicate my CP with this PLC to pick up WX or WY as well as DI or DO without using any PLC programming language. In short, I have my PLC on the plant floor. Apart from basic HMI, for trouble shooting reasons, I want to get out certain data from the PLC and store in a PC for convenience of processing and the amount of data desired to be collected which is out of the scope of the PLC. Hope I tried to explain the topic clearly. Wish to fix the problem at the weekend. What a nifty weekend project. Some of us use commercial software packages known as SCADA or HMI software which run under the PCs operating system, typically Windows, but there are Linux flavors, too. The software communicates with the PLC via either a serial port or an ethernet port through either a model specific driver or in some cases, through an OPC server, which has to be compatible with the PLC. So the comm protocol may be open, like Modbus, or proprietary. Proprietary protocols require proprietary software. SCADA packages are offered by all the PLC manufacturers, or there are independent companies that specialize in such. There is some degree of effort in configuring the software so that you get what you want out of the PLC. It may be time to call a vendor or two. Bud. Find out what protocol you can use Modbus, Profibus,etc and what hardware is required RS2. RS4. 85, etc then you have 2 choices 1 write from the scratch lets say in VB a driver to talk that protocol. OPC. If you have an HMI. OPC server. with some lines in VB or VBA you can access data from PLC. Good luck. There are several data Aquisition Programs on the market that will read and send data to the majority of manufactured PLCs. Wonderware, Intellution, National Instruments have leading version of DA programs that can run on an inexpensive personal computer. Various communications hookups apply. RS2. 32, Data Hwy, RS4. Depends on your PLC mainly. Wonderware and Intellution have advanced trending, alarming, data storage and machine display capabilities. If you have budget problems Wonderware, Intellution and NI are not cheap. Depends on the number of tags you want to read. There is usually a driver or IO server program running on the PLC to gather the data for the Data Aquisition program from the PLC. These can be proprietary and costly. Wonderware offers some free IO servers with its package but not all. An example would be AB TCPIP and AB Serial. Several others. Again depends on your PLC. Hi,Its difficult to access PLC and get the data to PC. How about ask ur programmer to get some info Dedicated Protocol or manual from PLC manufacturer and do some programming to get data. Some softwares already exist on the market. They to do data logging, sounds like Mitsubishi PLC got MX Sheet to do data logging from PLC to PC in Microsoft Excel format, in case, u have to do a lot of job and make changes in PLC program, it is a hard project. Actually, I m soft. Data Logging Project from PLC to PC, and more specialise in Mitsubishi PLC. I know u might in a hard way if u do yourself, I suggest u ask a vendor to do for u. I think we are close on the problem we are trying to solve, so thats why i am posting it here. Actually i need to simmulate a PLC on PC so that without using a PLC some initial testing can be done. Can you give me some indicators on where to find such a information e. URLs for starters P. S. i am new to the field so i would be great if u can guide me. Thx you for your comments,I realised I have to be more specific about my project and I have to scale down the whole topic. At first, my desire was to have kind of universal basic data acquisition for several data from PLC. However, your comments reminded me that this will need enoumous effort, thats the reason for the third party programs to save us. Now I have concentrated one part of my project as follow. I will appreciate for your further comments if possible by all means for a quick fix. On the field, AB Flex. Logix 5. 43. 4 CPU communicates both with Local. Adapter 1. 79. 4 FLA and with Versa. View CE HMI operator console. I am novice on AB products. Your advise is higly welcome on tips and tricks to gather data from PLC to PC. Have a nice weekend to all you there. Hi mZ, let me just give you an idea of what can be done. I have solved exactly the same problem but with an OMRON CPM1CQM1 PLC. Using VB, or any other programming language, you can use your PCs COM ports to send a command to the PLC and the PLC sends the current states of any relay address in it, which you will specify in the command that you sent to it. What i mean with states here is that when the relay is on, the PLC will send a 1 signal, and a 0 if the relay is off. From that, you can manipulate the data the PLC sent using the customized software. Timestamping can be done in your PC already should you want to log the time of day that a certain state occurred. Hope this help. Good luck. Your subscription request is being.