Fatal Frame Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Zero Tsukihami no Kamen, lit. Zero Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, commonly referred to as Fatal Frame Project Zero Mask of the Lunar Eclipse in Western territories, is a survival horror video game developed by Tecmo Koei, Grasshopper Manufacture and Nintendo. It was published by Nintendo for the Wii video game console. The fourth installment in the Fatal Frame series and the first on a Nintendo console, it was released in Japan on July 3. Despite a European release being announced, the game has never been released outside Japan. A fan translation was released in 2. The story, set on the fictional Rougetsu Island, focuses on Ruka Minazuki, one of a group of girls who was held captive on the island for unknown reasons. Years after their rescue, still suffering from amnesia, Ruka and the two surviving girls return to the island to seek out the truth. Gameplay. Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE is a roleplaying video game RPG, and a crossover between the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem series. Set in modernday. The games title stems from a ritual mask key to the story. The gameplay, as with previous entries in the series, revolves around the main character exploring environments and tackling hostile ghosts using the Camera Obscura. The idea for Mask of the Lunar Eclipse came to series co creator Keisuke Kikuchi when he first saw the Wii hardware. Kikuchi and series co creator Makoto Shibata returned as respective producer and director, while Grasshopper Manufactures Goichi Suda acted as co director, co writer and designer. The gameplay concept was making the player literally feel the fear evoked in the game. The addition of further developers to the project enabled the team to reconsider the standard formula, although it proved to be a chaotic experience. As with previous games, the theme songs were sung by Tsuki Amano. When released, it became the best selling entry in the series to that date, and received mixed to positive from Japanese and Western critics. Gameplayedit. A ghost viewed through the Camera Obscura, showing it struck by a Fatal Frame shot. Zero Tsukihami no Kamen, commonly referred to in the West as Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, has players taking control of four different character navigating a variety of different environments, including traditional Japanese houses and a Meiji era sanatorium turned hotel. Environments are navigated from a third person perspective using the Wii Nunchuk. During exploration, the characters are regularly attacked by hostile spirits, who take away the characters health through touch. The two central characters can fight off and defeat spirits using the series recurring Camera Obscura, a camera that captures spirits. Shots taken by the Camera Obscura deal varying amounts of damage based on how close the ghost is, the angle of the shot, and the film used. In addition to removing the VR headset requirement, Warzone will add a new mode called Extraction, which will work as a sort of CaptureTheFlaginspace. These factors are taken together to determine how many points the player is awarded for a shot. The most damaging type of shot is the Fatal Frame, which is achieved if a shot is taken when the ghost is attacking. Points are used as the in game currency, which can be used at save points to purchase items such as medicine and other items. Blue gems scattered around the environment can be used to upgrade the Camera Obscura, with some upgrades speeding reload time or enabling shots to deal more damage. Types of film range from an unlimited low quality film that deals little damage to rarer and more powerful film types. In addition to the Camera Obscura, the character can use a flashlight to explore their surroundings, and one character has access to a special Spirit Flashlight, which uses moonlight to pacify spirits. The Camera Obscura and flashlights are controlled with the Wii Remote. Should a ghost attack, gestures with the Wii Remote can shake them off. The New Game mode unlocks additional costumes and further items and upgrades, many of them dependent on how much the player has scored during the initial playthrough. On higher difficulties, the number of items available is reduced. SynopsiseditIn 1. Y Haibara kidnapped five girls from their rooms in a sanatorium on Rougetsu, an island south of Honshu. Create Icalendar File C#. The girls were rescued from a cavern beneath the sanatorium by detective Chshir Kirishima, who had been pursuing Haibara, but they had all lost their memories. FireEmblem-MysteryOfTheEmblem.jpg' alt='Fire Emblem 4 Translation Patch' title='Fire Emblem 4 Translation Patch' />Two years later, a catastrophe strikes Rougetsu Island which kills off the inhabitants. Eight years later, in the present, two of the rescued girls have died in mysterious circumstances and two of the survivors, Misaki As and Madoka Tsukimori, return to discover the truth about their pasts. Despite being warned by her mother not to return to the island, fellow survivor Ruka Minazuki goes there to find Misaki and Madoka. Shortly before Rukas arrival, Madoka is killed by hostile spirits. Chshir, the detective who rescued them, also returns to the island to both find Ruka and continue his pursuit of Haibara. During her exploration, Ruka learns that she and Misaki are suffering from a malady known as the Hidden Moon Disease, which affects their memories and identity and is spread by touch and vision. Each character also collects pieces of a mask used in a local ritual dance to ease the passing of souls into the afterlife. During the course of the story, it is revealed that Misaki arranged their return to the island so their illness might be cured, and that Chshir himself died ten years before, and is now helping the girls guided by the benevolent spirit of Rukas mother Sayaka. It is gradually revealed that Rukas father Souya had become obsessed with helping complete a ritual dance that would purify the islanders of the Hidden Moon Disease, which required the construction of a special mask for the dancer. Ruka herself became infected, and was treated at the sanatorium along with the other girls and the dancer, Haibaras sister Sakuya. The ritual was a catastrophic failure, with Sakuya reaching the final stage of the Hidden Moon Disease and falling into a coma, while the other girls collapsed and had their memories wiped. Two years after Ruka and Sayaka left the island, Sakuya woke and spread the Hidden Moon Disease across the island, killing all the inhabitants including Souya. To lay her to rest, the ritual must be completed, and for that her mask must be restored. Ruka comes into possession of all the mask fragments, which reform into the complete mask. Confronting Sakuya atop the islands lighthouse, she manages to pacify her with a sacred tune communicated to her by Sayaka, then Chshir puts the mask on Sakuya, completing the ritual and allowing all the islands spirits to pass into the afterlife. Depending on the games difficulty setting, Misakis fate is either left unknown, or her illness is cured after she is saved by Madokas spirit and she leaves the island with Ruka. DevelopmenteditMask of the Lunar Eclipse was co developed by Koei Tecmo, Grasshopper Manufacture and Nintendo Software Planning Development. Koei Tecmo was in charge of the gameplay and atmosphere, Grasshopper Manufacture were put in charge of character motion and other unspecified aspects of development, while Nintendo managed general production. Makoto Shibata and Keisuke Kikuchi, series creators and respective director and producer of the previous games in the series, returned to their respective posts. In addition, Grasshopper Manufactures Goichi Suda acted as a co director, co writer and designer.