How To Monitor Network Switch and Ports Using Nagios. Nagios is hands down the best monitoring tool to monitor host and network equipments. Using Nagios plugins you can monitor pretty much monitor anything. I use Nagios intensively and it gives me peace of mind knowing that I will get an alert on my phone, when there is a problem. More than that, if warning levels are setup properly, Nagios will proactively alert you before a problem becomes critical. Earlier I wrote about, how to setup Nagios to monitor Linux Host, Windows Host and VPN device. In this article, Ill explain how to configure Nagios to monitor network switch and its active ports. Enable switch. cfg in nagios. Uncomment the switch. Add new hostgroup for switches in switch. Add the following switches hostgroup to the usrlocalnagiosetcobjectsswitch. Network Switches. Add a new host for the switch to be monitered. In this example, Ive defined a host to monitor the core switch in the usrlocalnagiosetcobjectsswitch. Change the address directive to your switch ip address accordingly. Cisco Core Switch. Add common services for all switches. Displaying the uptime of the switch and verifying whether switch is alive are common services for all switches. So, define these services under the switches hostgroupname as shown below. Service definition to ping the switch using checkping. PING. checkcommand checkping Service definition to monitor switch uptime using checksnmp. Uptime. checkcommand checksnmp C public o sys. Up. Time. 0. 5. Add service to monitor port bandwidth usagechecklocalmrtgtraf uses the Multil Router Traffic Grapher MRTG. The recommended way to use Rakudo is by downloading Rakudo Star a useful and usable production distribution of Perl 6. Rakudo Star includes both the Rakudo. View and Download Red Hat LINUX 7. LINUX 7. 2 pdf manual download. So, you need to install MRTG for this to work properly. The. log file mentioned below should point to the MRTG log file on your system. Port 1 Bandwidth Usage. AVG 1. 00. 00. 00,2. Add service to monitor an active switch port. Use checksnmp to monitor the specific port as shown below. The following two services monitors port1 and port5. To add additional ports, change the value if. Oper. Status. n accordingly. Monitor status of port number 1 on the Cisco core switch. Port 1 Link Status. C public o if. Oper. Status. 1 r 1 m RFC1. MIB. Monitor status of port number 5 on the Cisco core switch. Port 5 Link Status. C public o if. Oper. Status. 5 r 1 m RFC1. MIB. 7. Add services to monitor multiple switch ports together. Sometimes you may need to monitor the status of multiple ports combined together. Nagios should send you an alert, even if one of the port is down. In this case, define the following service to monitor multiple ports. Monitor ports 1 6 on the Cisco core switch. Docker Image and Windows binaries. If you are able to run Docker containers, then you do not need to install anything. You just need to pull a client image from. Ports 1 6 Link Status. C public o if. Oper. Status. 1 r 1 m RFC1. MIB, o if. Oper. Status. RFC1. MIB, o if. Oper. Status. 3 r 1 m RFC1. MIB, o if. Oper. Status. RFC1. MIB, o if. Oper. Status. 5 r 1 m RFC1. Awesome Nagios Articles. Following are few awesome Nagios articles that you might find helpful. How To Monitor Remote Windows Machine Using Nagios on Linux. For your security, if youre on a public computer and have finished using your Red Hat services, please be sure to log out. Log Out. Thank you for taking the time to read about SCons. SCons is a nextgeneration software construction tool, or make toolthat is, a software utility for building. MIB, o if. Oper. Status. RFC1. MIB. 8. Validate configuration and restart nagios. Verify the nagios configuration to make sure there are no warnings and errors. Total Warnings 0. Total Errors 0. Things look okay No serious problems were detected during the pre flight check. Install Perl Module On Red Hat Linux Version' title='Install Perl Module On Red Hat Linux Version' />Restart the nagios server to start monitoring the VPN device. Stopping nagios. Starting nagios done. Verify the status of the switch from the Nagios web UI http nagios servernagios as shown below Fig Nagios GUI displaying status of a Network Switch. Troubleshooting. Issue. Nagios GUI displays checkmrtgtraf Unable to open MRTG log file error message for the Port bandwidth usage. Solution. 1 make sure the Issue. Nagios UI displays Return code of 1. Port Link Status. Solution. 2 Make sure both net snmp and net snmp util packages are installed. In my case, I was missing the net snmp utils package and installing it resolved this issue as shown below. EL4. 1. 0. i. 38. Once this triggers, you will have an entry with the logging text WARNING PALO ALTO LOGIN ATTEMPT in the log for elasticsearch located at varlogelasticsearch. Preparing. 1. EL4. Note After youve installed net snmp and net snmp utils, re compile and re install nagios plugins as explained in 6. Compile and install nagios plugins in the Nagios 3. History Early versions. Larry Wall began work on Perl in 1987, while working as a programmer at Unisys, and released version 1. This tutorial will guide you on installing latest stable version of Nginx 1. Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS 7 from sources, because official RHELCentOS 7. Define host name linuxserver notificationsenabled 1 eventhandlerenabled 1 flapdetectionenabled 1 failurepredictionenabled 1 processperf. Two Best Nagios Books. These are the two best nagios books that covers the latest Nagios 3. I strongly recommend that you read both of these books to gain a detailed understanding on Nagios. Since Nagios is free software, spending few dollars on the books can be the best investment you can make. Awesome Nagios Articles. Following are few awesome Nagios articles that you might find helpful. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like. Perl Wikipedia. Perl. Paradigm. Multi paradigm functional, imperative, object oriented class based, reflective, procedural, event driven, generic. Designed by. Larry Wall. Developer. Larry Wall. First appeared. December 1. Stable release. 5. September 2. 2, 2. September 2. 2, 2. July 1. 5, 2. 01. Preview release. 5. September 2. 0, 2. Typing discipline. Dynamic. Implementation language. COSCross platform. License. Artistic License 1. GNU General Public License7Filename extensions. Websitewww. perl. Influenced by. AWK, C, C, Lisp, Pascal, sed, Smalltalk 8. Unix shell. Influenced. Coffee. Script,citation neededECMAScript, Falcon, Groovy,citation neededJava. Script, Julia, LPC, Perl 6, PHP, Python, Ruby, Windows Power. Shell. Perl is a family of high level, general purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6. Though Perl is not officially an acronym,9 there are various backronyms in use, including Practical Extraction and Reporting Language. Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1. Unixscripting language to make report processing easier. Since then, it has undergone many changes and revisions. Perl 6, which began as a redesign of Perl 5 in 2. Both languages continue to be developed independently by different development teams and liberally borrow ideas from one another. The Perl languages borrow features from other programming languages including C, shell script sh, AWK, and sed. They provide powerful text processing facilities without the arbitrary data length limits of many contemporary Unix commandline tools,1. Perl 5 gained widespread popularity in the late 1. CGI scripting language, in part due to its then unsurpassed regular expression and stringparsing abilities. In addition to CGI, Perl 5 is used for system administration, network programming, finance, bioinformatics, and other applications, such as for GUIs. It has been nicknamed the Swiss Army chainsaw of scripting languages because of its flexibility and power,1. In 1. 99. 8, it was also referred to as the duct tape that holds the Internet together, in reference to both its ubiquitous use as a glue language and its perceived inelegance. HistoryeditEarly versionseditLarry Wall began work on Perl in 1. Unisys,1. 3 and released version 1. December 1. 8, 1. The language expanded rapidly over the next few years. Perl 2, released in 1. Perl 3, released in 1. Originally, the only documentation for Perl was a single lengthy man page. In 1. 99. 1, Programming Perl, known to many Perl programmers as the Camel Book because of its cover, was published and became the de facto reference for the language. At the same time, the Perl version number was bumped to 4, not to mark a major change in the language but to identify the version that was well documented by the book. Early Perl 5editPerl 4 went through a series of maintenance releases, culminating in Perl 4. At that point, Wall abandoned Perl 4 to begin work on Perl 5. Initial design of Perl 5 continued into 1. The perl. 5 portersmailing list was established in May 1. Perl 5 to different platforms. It remains the primary forum for development, maintenance, and porting of Perl 5. Perl 5. 0. 00 was released on October 1. It was a nearly complete rewrite of the interpreter, and it added many new features to the language, including objects, references, lexical my variables, and modules. Importantly, modules provided a mechanism for extending the language without modifying the interpreter. This allowed the core interpreter to stabilize, even as it enabled ordinary Perl programmers to add new language features. Perl 5 has been in active development since then. Perl 5. 0. 01 was released on March 1. Perl 5. 0. 02 was released on February 2. This allowed module authors to make subroutines that behaved like Perl builtins. Perl 5. 0. 03 was released June 2. One of the most important events in Perl 5 history took place outside of the language proper and was a consequence of its module support. On October 2. 6, 1. Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CPAN was established as a repository for Perl modules and Perl itself as of May 2. Perl 5. 0. 04 was released on May 1. UNIVERSAL package, giving Perl a base object to which all classes were automatically derived and the ability to require versions of modules. Another significant development was the inclusion of the CGI. Perls popularity as a CGI scripting language. Perl is also now supported running under Microsoft Windows and several other operating systems. Perl 5. 0. 05 was released on July 2. This release included several enhancements to the regex engine, new hooks into the backend through the B modules, the qr regex quote operator, a large selection of other new core modules, and added support for several more operating systems, including Be. OS. 2. 72. 00. 0presenteditMajor version. Latest update. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Old version, no longer supported 5. Older version, yet still supported 5. Current stable version 5. Legend Old version. Older version, still supported. Current stable version. Latest preview version. Future release. Perl 5. March 2. 2, 2. 00. Major changes included 6. Unicode string representation, support for files over 2 Gi. B, and the our keyword. When developing Perl 5. In 2. 00. 0, Wall put forth a call for suggestions for a new version of Perl from the community. The process resulted in 3. RFC request for comments documents that were to be used in guiding development of Perl 6. In 2. 00. 1,3. 1 work began on the Apocalypses for Perl 6, a series of documents meant to summarize the change requests and present the design of the next generation of Perl. They were presented as a digest of the RFCs, rather than a formal document. At this point, Perl 6 existed only as a description of a language. Perl 5. 8 was first released on July 1. Perl 5. 8 improved Unicode support, added a new IO implementation, added a new thread implementation, improved numeric accuracy, and added several new modules. As of 2. 01. 3 this version still remains the most popular version of Perl and is used by Red Hat 5, Suse 1. Solaris 1. 0, HP UX 1. How To Install Pci Card In Ubuntu. AIX 5. In 2. 00. 4, work began on the Synopses  documents that originally summarized the Apocalypses, but which became the specification for the Perl 6 language. In February 2. 00. Audrey Tang began work on Pugs, a Perl 6 interpreter written in Haskell. This was the first concerted effort towards making Perl 6 a reality. This effort stalled in 2. On December 1. 8, 2. Perl 1. 0, Perl 5. Perl 5. 1. 0. 0 included notable new features, which brought it closer to Perl 6. These included a switch statement called givenwhen, regular expressions updates, and the smart match operator,. Around this same time, development began in earnest on another implementation of Perl 6 known as Rakudo Perl, developed in tandem with the Parrot virtual machine. As of November 2. Rakudo Perl has had regular monthly releases and now is the most complete implementation of Perl 6. A major change in the development process of Perl 5 occurred with Perl 5.