Open Source Software File Conversion' title='Open Source Software File Conversion' />COBOL Data Structures and Record Layouts for Data File Conversion. Simo. REC1. COBOL Copy File Analysis Table of Contents v 1. Introduction Program Objectives Program Input and Output Example, a Simple COBOL Copy File Example, a Challenging COBOL Copy File Requirements Installation Quick Start, How to Create HTML Documents Record Structures Callable Conversion Routine File IO Programs IO Program, Ordered or Sequential Load IO Program, Random Add or Update Installation Verification Procedure Generate HTML Documentation IBM Format, Simple Example Micro Focus Various Numeric Formats IBM Format, a Typical Record Structure Generate, EBCDIC to ASCII Convert Callable Convert Routine Convert Routine File IO Program Convert Routine, File IO Program HTML Technical Details Create an ASCIIText File Create HTML, System Description The Generated HTML Document Create a Callable Convert Routine The COBOL Copy File Source Code The Convert Routine Source Code Create a File Convert Package The ControlConfiguration File Integrate with Micro Focus IDE Considerations and Limitations Numeric Fields Signed Zoned Decimal, Numeric Fields Packed Numeric Fields Functional Limitations Frequently Asked Questions System Overview Summary Software Agreement and Disclaimer Downloads and Links Current Server or Internet Access Internet Access Required Glossary of Terms Comments or Feedback Company Overview. Simo. REC1 a COBOL Record Layout and Content Conversion Utility Program is currently available as a Controlled Release Option CRO and is an add on to the Simo. ZAPS Utility program. Working with data conversion and data import projects means I am often faced with unmanageably large chunks of data. CROs provide a process for Simo. Time to deliver technology that is used by our consultants in the field but has not been productized. A CRO has been field tested through actual use for a minimum of six months and is subjected to a suite of regression tests prior to release. Simo. Times intent is to productize this CRO and make it generally available with appropriate documentation. Simo. Time reserves the right to change a CRO during the productizing process. This may require a user to make changes pertaining to the CRO usage and interfaces. The Simo. Time Record Layout and Content Conversion Utility Program Simo. REC1 reads a COBOL Copy File and produces various outputs for reference material, documentation and data file conversion. For reference or documentation purposes Simo. REC1 creates an ASCIIText file and an HTML document from a COBOL copy file. The utility provides the length of a field and the position of the start of the field within a record. Fast Software. Our file conversion software allows for the saving and restoring of complex conversion jobs. Specify the conversion job within the Windows. Also, the actual physical length for group items, packed fields, binary fields and tables will be calculated. This information is provided by the Simo. Time Record Layout utility program within a text file and an HTML document. Once this information has been calculated Simo. REC1 has the capability of creating the source code for a callable COBOL program that will do the conversion between EBCDIC and ASCII at the field level. The Simo. REC1 utility used in conjunction with the Simo. ZAPS utility has the capability of generating a set of programs that will read a file containing EBCDIC encoding and write a new file containing ASCII encoding. The numeric encoding used by the IBM Mainframe or Micro Focus is maintained. Some of the information about a record structure may be found by compiling a program that references the copy file and then analyzing the listing. For example, with Micro Focus COBOL using the DATAMAP option will produce a listing file with useful information about the fields in working storage. For more information about this program or if you have any questions, suggestions or comments please call or send an e mail to helpdesksimotime. We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources. Copyright 1. 98. Simo. Time Technologies and Services. All Rights Reserved. Simo. REC1 will scan a COBOL copy file and produce the following information. Show an example of Scanning a COBOL copy file and determining the actual Data Structure. Show an example of scanning a COBOL copy file and determining the Record Length. Calculate Field Sizes based on number of possible digits and position with a record. Show the logical size and physical size of packed and binary fields. For BINARY fields provide a run time option to calculate the physical size based on IBM or Micro Focus. Create, Convert, and Merge PDF files online. Convert PDF to Word and back to PDF. You do NOT have to install software. WEBBASED General. CSV commaseparated values parser library for Java. It was developed because all the CSV parsers at the time didnt have. Generate field sizes for Group items. Show the REDEFINES field definitions. Create HTML documentation from the COBOL copy file information. Create a COBOL callable routine that converts between EBCDIC and ASCII at the field level. Integrate the COBOL Copy File Analysis Function into Micro Focus Mainframe Express or Net Express as a tool bar item. Program Objectives for Simo. REC1. The following shows a couple of examples of using COBOL copy files as input and producing HTML documents as output. The following VKSDREC1. COBOL copy file. Without a utility program the length of VKSD NAME must be manually calculated. The VKSD CREDIT LIMIT field is nine 9 digits and has a logical field length of nine 9 bytes. However, the use of the COMP 3 will make it a packed field and the physical length will be five 5 bytes. The following HTML document quickly provides this information. VKSDREC1. CPY a COBOL Copy File . Copy File for the VSAM Data Set used for the Demo programs. Copyright C 1. 98. Simo. Time Technologies All Rights Reserved Provided by Simo. Time Technologies Our e mail address is helpdesksimotime. Also, visit our Web Site at http www. VKSD RECORD. 0. 5 VKSD KEY PIC X6. FILLER PIC X. VSAM LAST NAME PIC X1. VSAM FIRST NAME PIC X1. VSAM STREET ADDRESS PIC X2. VSAM CITY PIC X1. VSAM STATE PIC X3. VSAM POSTAL CODE PIC X6. VKSDREC1 End of Copy File VKSDREC1 The following is a simple example of the HTML documentation created from the preceding COBOL copy file. The physical length for the BINARY or COMP fields is calculated based on the format for an IBM Mainframe Level. FieldRedefines Name. Directive for Binary is IBMCOMP Field Type. Relative. Position. Whole. Numbers. Decimal. Positions. Logical. Size. Physical. Size. Table. Cell Size. Table. Minimum. Table. Maximum. Redefine. Depth. 01. VKSD RECORDGroup Item 1 0 0 0 5. VKSD KEYAlphameric 1 0 0 1. VKSD NAMEGroup Item 1. VKSD LAST NAMEAlphameric 1. VKSD FIRST NAMEAlphameric 4. VKSD ADDRESS 1. Alphameric 5. VKSD ADDRESS 2. Alphameric 1. VKSD CITYAlphameric 1. VKSD STATEAlphameric 1. VKSD POSTAL CODEAlphameric 1. VKSD CREDIT LIMITNumericSigned PACKED 2. VKSD FILLERAlphameric 2. Level. FieldRedefines Name. Directive for Binary is IBMCOMP Field Type. Relative. Position. Whole. Numbers. Decimal. Sony Sound Forge 7 With Crack on this page. Positions. Logical. Size. Physical. Size. Table. Cell Size. Table. Minimum. Table. Maximum. Redefine. Depth. The following TEST0. COBOL copy file. The length of KSE0. REC must be manually calculated and this can be a bit more challenging than the previous example. The length of P TABLE 0. S 1. 0E appears to be nine 9 bytes. The Single Vendor Commercial Open Source Business Model Software Research and the Industry. Dirk Riehle. SAP Research, SAP Labs LLCUpdated 2. Renamed commercial open source to single vendor commercial open source to be clear about the difference to distributor models. ABSTRACTSingle vendor commercial open source software projects are open source software projects that are owned by a single firm that derives a direct and significant revenue stream from the software. Single vendor commercial open source at first glance represents an economic paradox How can a firm earn money if it is making its product available for free as open source This paper presents the core properties of single vendor open source business models and discusses how they work. Using a single vendor open source approach, firms can get to market faster with a superior product at lower cost than possible for traditional competitors. The paper shows how these benefits accrue from an engaged and self supporting user community. Lacking any prior comprehensive reference, this paper is based on an analysis of public statements by practitioners of single vendor open source. It forges the various anecdotes into a coherent description of revenue generation strategies and relevant business functions. Keywords. Open source, open source software, commercial open source, community open source, commercial open source business model, dual licensing strategy, open core business model, business model, go to market strategy, open source sales, open source marketing, open source product management, open source licensing, software engineering, collaborative development. TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction. Prior and Related Work. Commercial vs Community Open Source. The Single Vendor Commercial Open Source Business Model. Conclusion INTRODUCTIONOpen source software is software that is available in source code form, can be modified by users, and can be redistributed even in modified form without paying the original owners. Open source is changing how software is built and how money is made. In 2. 00. 6, open source software had a market share of 0. The prediction for 2. This data is underestimating the usage of open source software as it accounts only for paid for open source software. According to a 2. IDC report, less than 1 of all installations had third party attendant services 2. The total amount of work invested into open source software projects is growing at an exponential rate and can be expected to continue growing at this rate for a while before slowing down 1. In general, the size of individual open source projects tends to grow at a linear or quadratic pace 2. The driver behind the overall exponential growth of open source is the exponential growth in the number of viable projects. Viable open source software is now available for any domain including business software, not just infrastructure software. In many ways, the economic success of open source appears to be a paradox. How can companies make money of software they are making available for free There are many answers to this question, as discussed in the next section. This paper focuses on one particular category of firms, called single vendor commercial open source firms 2. Single vendor commercial open source firms are firms that are the sole owner of a product they generate revenue from. Examples are My. SQL, Sugar. CRM, Jaspersoft, and Alfresco. According to a recent Gartner report, by 2. The benefits of single vendor commercial open source stem from the creation of an active and engaged user community around the product while at the same time preventing the emergence of competitors from that community. In a nutshell, this community helps the company get to market faster, create a superior product, and sell more easily, all at a lower cost than possible for traditional competitors. In exchange, the company offers a professionally developed product of compelling value to the community that this community is free to use under an open source license. The contribution of this paper is to comprehensively present the core properties of the business models underlying single vendor commercial open source companies. Prior work typically addressed open source in general without special consideration for single vendor open source. This paper reviews every relevant business function and how it works in a single vendor commercial open source business model. Mumbai Express Tamil Movie Free Torrent Download. Methodologically, the paper is based on the reception of interviews and presentations by practitioners of single vendor open source as well as the authors review of the behavior of open source firms in the marketplace. Feel free to skip the related work section and go straight to the commercial open source business model description. PRIOR AND RELATED WORKLike the author of this paper, Capra and Wasserman make a fundamental distinction between commercial and community open source 9. Community open source is open source software that is owned by a community or a legal entity representing the community. The community members typically dont derive direct revenues from the software but subsidize it from ancillary products and services. Single vendor commercial open source, in contrast, is open source software that is owned by a single legal entity with the purpose of deriving revenues from the software. The next section discusses this distinction in more detail. Various authors have provided summaries of how companies generate revenue from open source software. Watson et al. distinguish five models of software production and distribution 3. Three of these they call open source business models. The corporate distribution model encompasses the providers of software distributions, for example, Red Hat or Spike. Source. Sponsored open source is open source that does not generate revenue for the contributing companies, for example, Apache Software Foundation or Eclipse Foundation projects. Finally, second generation open source is open source where supporting companies generate revenue from complementary services. This last category puts all revenue generating strategies into one basket without drawing distinctions between such different models as consulting and implementation services, e. JBoss, or license sales, e. My. SQL. Brian Fitzgerald introduces what he calls OSS 2. He argues that prior to OSS 2. Value added service enabling, which created revenue from services around successful open source projects, and loss leader market creating, which created revenue by upgrading users of a free open source project to a commercial more feature rich version of the same software. OSS 2. 0 now provides a more differentiated approach to the loss leader strategy and adds two new strategies, leveraging community software development and leveraging the open source brand. Many more classifications of open source business models have been made. For example, the European Unions FLOSSmetrics project analyzed 1. Open source has been discussed from an economic perspective before, for example, by Perens 2. Valimaki 3. 4, and others 1. However, there is quite a gap between a general discussion of the economic properties of open source software and the specifics of commercial open source. Perhaps the clearest account of commercial open source has been provided by Michael Olson in his discussion of the dual licensing strategy of commercial open source firms 2.