Server Operating Systems Technical Comparison. Free Computer Programming Text Book. Programming computers using any programming languagefree book on UNIXLinux System Administration. Teach Yourself UNIXLinux System Administration and Shell Programming. New Project    This website is about sharing knowledge. The one thing the government can never take away from you is knowledge. The school systems are about training you for utility to big government and big business. This is the real information. Knowledge has no known economic value to business or government. This is information independent of the military industrial complex. Just information. Know how to program computers. Learn on your own. To add a detailed real world example for the still unfinished college text book on computer programming table of contents, I am going to post heavily commented and described open source code for a free music player. A working example still very new and under construction is at www. This source code is free for any legal non commercial andor non profit andor educational andor private purpose. As of 1 July 2. COBOL Using pointers in Cobol Mainframe forum Mainframe Mainframe IBM tutorial, tutorials, material, materilas, faq, faqs, interview questions, COBOL,CICS,DB2. NonAllegro Programs, available for download here. A collection of miscellaneous nonAllegro software for the HP 3000. TAPESTAT Terry Tipton has allowed us to. United States Federal trade Commission makes individual websites responsible for any data gathering of information from children done by large companys ads or plug ins, while relieving those big companies of any responsibility. Therefore, as much as Id like to share this website with anyone of any age, I must ban everyone under the age of 1. Operating System Technical Comparison. Overview    This web site compares and contrasts operating systems. It originally started out on a small server in the engineering department of Ohio State University to answer a single question On technical considerations only, how does  Rhapsody also known as Mac OS X Server stack up as a server operating system especially in comparison to  Windows NT The web site now compares and contrasts server operating systems and will in the near future expand to compare other kinds of operating systems. For non technical persons A general overview of operating systems for non technical people is located at kinds of operating systems. Brief summaries of operating systems are located at summaries of operating systems. There is an entire section of pages on individual operating systems, all formatted in the same order for easy comparison. The holistic area looks at operating systems from a holistic point of view and particular subjects in that presentation may be useful for comparison. Some of the charts and tables may also be useful for specific comparisons. For technical persons The system components area goes into detail about the inner workings of an operating system and the individual operating systems pages provide some technical information. This site is organized as an unbalanced tree structure, with cyclic graph hyperlinks and a sequential traversal path through the tree. This website will make use of CPM an early microcomputer OS to illustrate the functions of an operating system. CPM has the teaching advantage of being very small and simple and therefore easier to understand while also having at least rudimentary examples of most operating system functions excluding graphic user interfaces. OSdata. com is used in more than 3. Find out how to get similar high web traffic and search engine placement. Site Outline. Forth in Java. Scriptlast updated 2. Oct 2. 01. 4Source Code Examplelast updated 2. May 2. 01. 4Music Player Examplelast updated 1. Feb 2. 01. 2real world programminglast updated 1. File-Extension-in-C-Programming.jpg' alt='Pointers In Cobol Programs' title='Pointers In Cobol Programs' />Aug 2. July 2. July 2. 00. July 2. 00. 7amateur mistakeslast updated 1. Aug 2. 00. 7social medialast updated 1. Aug 2. 00. 7one time padlast updated 7 July 2. May 2. 01. 4example code from the early days of computinglast updated 2. Nov 2. 01. 3example code building a web gamelast updated 2. Nov 2. 01. 3Legacy Control Languagelast updated 1. Dec 2. 01. 3Universal Message Formatlast updated 3. Oct 2. 01. 1transformations of shapes of datumlast updated 3. Oct 2. 01. 0childrens operating system projectlast updated 2. COBOL Mainframe forum Mainframe Mainframe IBM tutorial, tutorials, material, materilas, faq, faqs, interview questions, COBOL,CICS,DB2,JCL,IMS DB, IMS DC, REXX. A binary search divides a range of values into halves, and continues to narrow down the field of search until the unknown value is found. It is the classic example of. COBOL k o b l, an acronym for common businessoriented language is a compiled Englishlike computer programming language designed for business use. Chapter 8. Processing files. File organization and inputoutput devices. Choosing file organization and access mode. Format for coding input. Sept 1. 99. 8book of the weeklast updated 2 Sept 1. July 2. 00. 0footnoteslast updated 1. Sept 2. 00. 4contactlast updated 2 Feb 2. Mar 2. 00. 1most popular pageslast updated 1 Aug 2. May 2. 01. 4average paylast updated 5 May 2. Charts and Tables. OSdata. com is used in more than 3. Read details here. Site Goals    This site is intended as a neutral technical evaluation, comparing and contrasting Rhapsody with other server operating systems. All humans have biases. I am a fan of Rhapsody, VMS, Macintosh, Amiga. Pointers In Cobol Programs TutorialsOS, Ne. XT, and Be. OS.     I will attempt to be as complete, accurate, and precise as possible. Pointers In Cobol Programs DocumentationI welcome correction, feedback, and additional information from informed sources. One of the really cool things about the Internet is that once you achieve a certain critical mass of data, experts in the subject matter will just show up from all over the world and make constructive criticisms and provide all kinds of useful additional information. All web sites are either in a state of construction or dead, so comments about being under construction are generally extraneous. This site is not yet complete enough answer the question as stated. The goal is to have this site sufficiently complete to answer that question by the time Apple releases Rhapsody in fall of 1. Most of the work so far has been in catalogueing information about each operating system see individual OS pages for details. I have started charts on costs, hardware supported, file systems, release dates, and music. Lots of thanks go out to the many persons who have taken the time to answer questions and provide URL references. A complete list of persons and web sites and books quoted is found in the site footnotes. To contribute additional information or to make constructive criticism of any kind, send a message to Milo. I will attempt to stick to the facts as much as possible. I will provide only as much editorial commentary as is necessary to make the technical facts clear. All opinions are mine unless otherwise attributed. It is unlikely that any single individual has all the knowledge necessary to complete an accurate technical survey of all operating systems that can be used as server OSs. So, I need and welcome and appreciate all of volunteer help. I Milo have edited the material into a web site and Michael M is the new artist. Using This Site    A few quick caveats about a technical evaluation Pure technical concerns are not the only or even the most important considerations in the choice of an operating system. Economic, environmental, psychological, and political factors can come into play. For example, a particular operating system may be the best technical choice, but may be too expensive. This web site only examines technical issues. Interpretation of raw facts requires some degree of technical expertise. No conclusions are provided in this site. Interpretation and conclusions are left to the reader. Not all technical issues are equal. And the weighting of technical issues varies by application and environment. For example, a particular feature may be absolutely essential to one organization, important to another, trivial to a third, and an unacceptable impediment to a fourth. Hardware and the interactions between hardware and software can play a significant factor in both quantifiable and anecdotal results. Free MPE Software Allegro Consultants, Inc. Please Note The Allegro software offered on this page is not shareware. Dir 600 Firmware Update C1. It is freeware copyright by Allegro Consultants, Inc. We believe these programs to be safe, well behaved software, and we would appreciate any feedback. The non Allegro and Compatibility Mode software packages available below are offered according to the terms of the original authors who provided them. We include them here, with permission, as a courtesy to the community. In all cases Allegro and non Allegro these utilities are provided as is, and you may use them on your HP 3. Allegro makes no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Contents. Instructions. Most of our downloadable software packages for MPEi. X are available as either STD STORE to Disk archives or LZW files. VERY IMPORTANT Please read our STD information andor the LZW how to document before trying to transfer a package to your HP 3. If you plan to restore the files into the ALLEGRO account, which we strongly recommend, youll probably want to do the following first hello manager. AM,AL,GL,DI,CV,UV,LG,PS,NA,NM,CS,ND,SF,BA,IA,PM,MR,DS,PH. BA,IA,PM,MR,DS,PH amp. Note most Allegro programs can be run with a help entrypoint of to display online help. For example run appender. Allegro Programs. ALLOWALL Gives the current user, either a job or a session, temporary access to all commands normally restricted to the system OPERATOR. It has the same effect as someone issuing a series of ALLOW commands at the system CONSOLE. When the jobsession logs off, the user reverts back to default capabilities. When this program is run it does a PRINTOP so that a message similar to the following will appear on the CONSOLE, and will be logged if CONSOLE logging is enabled. S4. 79. 5ALLOWALL run by JANE. GLAP,DATAThis program should run on all versions of MPEi. X, as well as on classic MPEV. NOTE This program must reside in a GROUP. ACCOUNT with PM capability, but can be run by any user on the system if MPE security permits it. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. APPENDER Appends text to a file. Both text and filename are specifed in the INFO string. Can be used to replace echo in POSIX shell. This avoids a problem in which the shell append can result in thousands of file extents being created. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. AUTOST A tool which allows a system manager to add or delete an autoboot command file on an HP 3. CSLT. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. BACKCTL sets or unsets a flag in a files label metadata to tell MPE that the file should not be backed up by STORE, or by other backup products which honor the flag. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. BFREED Demo version of our BFree product. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. BIGDIRS A utility to find big directories on an MPEi. X system. Large directories e. BIGDIRS can scan the entire file system and report which directories are big either by number of entries, or by the size in bytes of the directory. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. BOUNCE A utility to bounce logoff idle users. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. CHECKWWW A utility to check an HP 3. It can also scan a web page hierarchy, looking for bad local links. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. CHKBADSL A utility to check a systems SL. PUB. SYS file for the OCTCOMP bug. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. CHKRTMSL This program tells you if RTMSL is enabled or not, and optionally enables or disables it. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. COMPFILE A utility to compare two files. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. COMPILE A utility to automate compiles. QEDIT aware. Vaguely similar to make, but with all information embedded in a comment area of the source file, not in a separate Makefile. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. COMPRDDS An unsupported privileged program that tries to enabledisable hardware compression for DDS drives. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. COPYFILE A somewhat old fast file copier. No wildcards, but it can copy privileged files like IMAGE datasets. For a more full featured file copier, see the REP Tool. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. COUNTNB A program that counts the number of code, blank, and comment lines read from STDINX. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DBCHECK A program to check the integrity of IMAGESQL databases. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DBDRIVE A different approach to a generalized low level IMAGESQL exerciser. Somewhat more friendly than DBDRIVER. PUB. SYS. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DBPURGE An IMAGESQL database purger. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DEBUGMAC A utility that enters Debugi. X after loading DATINIT. DAT. TELESUP and does an implied MACSTART ,1. This makes it easier to run the DAT macros on a live system. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DISKMAP Disk. Map is a utility to analyze disk and file usage and fragmentation. The most popular commands are. LISTLT ALL EXTENTS 4. MAP ALLproduce a one line per disk drive map of disk space usage. VSODS NODES 1. 00list in use objects usually files that are using more than 1. Extent B Tree. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. DMESG Tool which displays the bootup message log. Source code is included. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. EDFILE A very tiny file editor which can edit files including userlabels in ASCII, binary, or hex. EDFILE may be run as a separate program, or invoked via QEDITs P command. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. EJECT A privileged program that turns DDS eject on close onoff. It also has a once only eject on close option. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. FILECODE A utility that changes the filecode of files on MPEi. X. It must reside in a group with PM capability. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. FILEOPEN A utility, callable via QEDITs P command, which aids in writing FOPEN calls in SPL, FORTRAN, or Pascal. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. FILERPT Log file analyzer. It has since been superseded by the REDWOOD Tool, but this version is free. Its main focus is on File Close records. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. FILLSCR FILLSCR is a simple program designed to emit text to the screen, in an attempt to fill the screen, for the purpose of testing the size of terminal memory. This can come in handy, for example, when testing terminal emulators. Download STD or LZWPlain text information. FINDBIG Searches for files larger than some specified number of megabytes. It can also look for files with ACDs, bad creators, new files, old files, andor files with HFS names but not MPE names. Run FINDBIG with the entrypoint of HELP for more information. This program is also known asFINDACD find files with ACDs FINDBADC find files with creators from other accounts FINDFILE find files that match some criteria FINDHFS find files that have HFS names, not MPE names FINDNEW find files newer than a particular date FINDOLD find files older than a particular date. Download STD or LZWPlain text information.