Registry Tips Allowing Network Access with Blank Passwords. XP and VistaAdded 21. Although you can log in locally without a password, by default, Windows. XP Pro. does not allow network users to access the computer without a password. Typically you will receive an Unknown error 3. To change this setting Run gpedit. Remove Programs From Vista Start Menu' title='Remove Programs From Vista Start Menu' />Remove Programs From Vista Start MenuOur free online Windows Vista tutorial is presented in a questionandanswer format. It is a comprehensive guide to using Windows Vista. If you have Windows Vista. So your computer has been booting slowly lately You probably have too many programs and services trying to start up all at once. Are you wondering how they got there. Lets admit it, we have all at one time or another mistakenly deleted a directory or uninstalled a program incorrectly and are now left with entries in the AddRemove. Go to Computer Configuration Windows Settings Security Settings. Local Policies Security Options. Double click on Accounts Limit local account use of blank passwords to. Disable this option. Disabling the F3 Search Key. Added 12. 00. 3If you want to disable the ability to use the F3 key from either the Windows. Explorer or Internet Explorer. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet. ExplorerRestrictions. Create a Dword value called No. Find. Files. Give it a value of 1. Reboot. Preventing Changes to File. Associations. Submitted 91. You can prevent users from changing associations via Windows Explorers Tools. Folder Options File Types tab. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Windows Current. Version. Policies Explore. Create REGDWORD data type No. File. Associate. Give it a value of 1. Submitted by Paul Barker. Locking File Associations. Baixar Orgulho E Preconceito Pdf. Submitted 91. 8. If you have your file associations the way you want for a particular file. Folder Options. File Types screen Start Regedit Go to HKEYCLASSESROOT Scroll to the file association you want to lock. In the right panel, create a new Binary value Call it Edit. Flags. Give it a value of 0. Now when you go to the Folder Options File Types screen, you wont see. Submitted by Paul Barker. Turning off System Beeps. Added 91. 00. 1If you want to turn off all system beeps like the ones that go through your. Start Regedit Go to HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelSound. Edit the key Beep and give it a value of No. Download reg file. Changing the Location Of Special Folders. Added 91. 00. 2You can modify the registry to change the location of special folders like My Documents. Favorites. My Pictures. Personal. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionExplorerUser. Shell Folders. Double click on any locations you want to change and alter the path. Logoff or restart for the changes to go into effect. Note Tweak. UI from Microsoft will allow you to make these changes from a. Deleting Specific Registry Value. Submitted 1. 22. In a previous tip, Automatically Deleting a. Registry Key, it was mentioned how to remove an entire registry key. If you want to simply remove a specific value within a key, use the syntax. Registry Keyvalue For example REGEDIT4HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionRun MSConfig would delete the value MSCONFIG. Submitted by Brent Towsley Setting the Recycle Bin to Always Delete. Added 1. 11. 70. You can set the recycle bin to always delete items like holding down the. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Current. Version. Explorer Bit. Bucket. Set the key Nuke. On. Delete to 1. Download reg file Setting the Internet Explorer Home Page. Submitted 940. 1If you want to set the home page used by Internet Explorer through the. Start Regedit. Go to HKeyCurrentUser Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main. Give the Start Page key the string value you wish set as homepage. Submitted by Austin Henderson. Preparing to Move Hard Drive to Another Computer. Submitted 1. 22. To remove the devices from device manager when taking a HD from one computer. Run Regedit. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE and delete the Enum section. This removes all of the hardware specific settings. Submitted by  Lee Berry. Comparing Registries. Added 22. 10. 0While working with changes to your system, you might want to see what is. Registry. Since you can export it to a text file, the steps are fairly easy. Start Regedit. With the very top level select My Computer, on the Toolbar select. Registry Export Registry File. I usually save it to the root of the C drive with the name before. Make the change to your system. Go back to Regedit. Press F5 to update it. Export the Registry like step 2. Name the file after and have it go in the same directory. Open up a DOS window. Go to the directory where the two exported files are. Enter FC before. reg after. Then you can edit diff. Note I  do the last steps so often I have a simple batch file already. Setting Excel 2. 00. High Contrast Cell Selection. Added 220. 0If you want to increase the contrast in selected cells Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Office 9. Excel. Options Add a DWORD value call Options. Give it a value of 1. Now when you select cells, they will be white on black. Changing Common Icons. Updated 13. 10. You can change many of the common Windows icons. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows. Current. Version explorer Shell Icons. The default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0 4. Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See. the chart below. Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of. Note The numbering starts with zero. If you use a single. ICO file, it should be followed by a 0. This would actually be the 5th icon since it. Make sure you delete the hidden file C WINDOWSSHELLICONCACHE0 1. Are the Drive and Application Icons. To change the Unknown Application Icon. To change the Default Application Icon. To change the Closed Folder Icon. To change the Open Folder Icon. To change the 5 14 Floppy Icon. To change the 3 12 Floppy Icon. To change the Removable Disk Icon. To change the Hard Drive Icon. To change the Network Drive Online Icon. To change the Network Drive Offline Icon. To change the CD Drive Icon. To change the Ramdrive Icon. To change the Entire Network Icon. Are the Start Menu Icons. To change the Programs Icon. To change the Documents Icon. To change the Settings Icon. To change the Find Icon. To change the Help Icon. To change the Run Icon. To change the Shutdown Icon. Other Icons. 33 To change the DUN Folder Icon. To change the Desktop Icon. To change the Control Panel Icon. To change the Printer Folder Icon. To change the Audio CD Icon. To change the Favorites Icon. To change the Logoff Icon. Trickling Filters Design Pdf. Prevent Changes to the Start Menu. Added 13. 10. 0To prevent any changes to the Start Menu, even a right click Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Windows Current. Version. Policies Explorer. Add a DWORD called No. Change. Start. Menu. Give it a value of 1. Download reg file. DOS Restrictions. Updated 13. 10. There are restrictions you can make to the ability to execute DOS programs. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCurrentUser Software Microsoft Windows Current. Version. Policies. Create a new key under Policies called Win. Old. App. You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keys. To re enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0. Disabled Disable MS DOS Prompt. No. Real. Mode Disables Single Mode MS DOSNetworking Restrictions. Updated 13. 10. There are general restrictions you can make in Networking. Start Regedit. Go to HKEYCurrentUser Software Microsoft Windows Current. Version. Policies. Create a new key under Policies called Network. You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keys. To re enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0. Disable. Pwd. Caching Password Caching Hide. Sorry, page not found Please enable cookies and refresh the page.