We here at scholarshippositions. The White Parade 1934. China scholarships compatible to your needs. These China scholarships and grants are available for. Britannica. com. Research on globalization has shown that it is not an omnipotent, unidirectional force leveling everything in its path. Because a global culture does not exist, any search for it would be futile. It is more fruitful to instead focus on particular aspects of life that are indeed affected by the globalizing process. The compression of time and space. The breakdown of time and space is best illustrated by the influential global village thesis posed by communications scholar Marshall Mc. Master of Arts in Crosscultural Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. Luhan in Gutenberg Galaxy 1. Instantaneous communication, predicted Mc. Luhan, would soon destroy geographically based power imbalances and create a global village. Later, geographer David Harvey argued that the postmodern condition is characterized by a time space compression that arises from inexpensive air travel and the ever present use of telephones, fax, and, more recently, e mail. Britannica Lists Quizzes. There can be little doubt that people perceive the world today as a smaller place than it appeared to their grandparents. In the 1. 96. 0s and 7. London relied on postal systems and personally delivered letters to send news back to their home villages in India, China, and elsewhere it could take two months to receive a reply. The telephone was not an option, even in dire emergencies. By the late 1. 99. Calcutta Kolkata, Singapore, or Shanghai. Awareness of time zones when people will be awake what time offices open is now second nature to people whose work or family ties connect them to far reaching parts of the world. Mc. Luhans notion of the global village presupposed the worldwide spread of television, which brings distant events into the homes of viewers everywhere. Building on this concept, Mc. Luhan claimed that accelerated communications produce an implosion of personal experiencethat is, distant events are brought to the immediate attention of people halfway around the world. The spectacular growth of Cable News Network CNN is a case in point. CNN became an icon of globalization by broadcasting its U. S. style news programming around the world, 2. Live coverage of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1. Persian Gulf War in 1. New York City and Washington, D. C., on September 1. Some governments have responded to such advances by attempting to restrict international broadcasting, but satellite communication makes these restrictions increasingly unenforceable. The standardization of experience. Travel. Since the mid 1. Diplomats, businesspeople, and ordinary tourists can feel at home in any city, anywhere in the world. Foreign travel no longer involves the challenge of adapting to unfamiliar food and living arrangements. Swiss Cultural Program' title='Swiss Cultural Program' />CNN has been an essential feature of the standardized hotel experience since at least the 1. More significantly, Western style beds, toilets, showers, fitness centres, and restaurants now constitute the global standard. A Japanese variant on the Westernized hotel experience, featuring Japanese style food and accommodations, can also be found in most major cities. Switzerland s w t s r l n d, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a federal republic in Europe. It consists of 26 cantons, and the city of Bern is. What has been happening in the last few years in Lucerne in terms of poster design seems quite exceptional. A centre of excellence has emerged, with Swiss. Policymakers in both parties are trying to replicate Swiss policies in a country that isnt Swiss. Situated right on the water, The RitzCarlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee offers a beautiful resort setting for your next family vacation. These developments are linked to the technology of climate control. In fact, the very idea of routine global travel was inconceivable prior to the universalization of air conditioning. An experience of this nature would have been nearly impossible in the 1. Clothing. Modes of dress can disguise an array of cultural diversity behind a facade of uniformity. The mans business suit, with coloured tie and buttoned shirt, has become universal in the sense that it is worn just about everywhere, although variations have appeared in countries that are cautious about adopting global popular culture. Iranian parliamentarians, for example, wear the Western suit but forgo the tie, while Saudi diplomats alternate traditional Bedouin robes with tailored business suits, depending upon the occasion. In the early years of the 2. North Korea and Afghanistan were among the few societies holding out against these globalizing trends. The emergence of womens power suits in the 1. Stylized trouser suits, with silk scarves and colourful blouses analogues of the male business suit, are now worldwide symbols of modernity, independence, and competence. Moreover, the export of used clothing from Western countries to developing nations has accelerated the adoption of Western style dress by people of all socioeconomic levels around the world. Some military fashions reflect a similar sense of convergence. Rebel fighters, such as those in Central Africa, South America, or the Balkans, seemed to take their style cue from the guerrilla garb worn by movie star Sylvester Stallone in his trilogy of Rambo films. In the 1. 99. 0s the United States military introduced battle helmets that resembled those worn by the German infantry during World War II. Swiss Cultural Program' title='Swiss Cultural Program' />Swiss Cultural ProgramSwiss Cultural ProgramMany older Americans were offended by the association with Nazism, but younger Americans and Europeans made no such connections. In 2. 00. 1, a similar helmet style was worn by elite Chinese troops marching in a parade in Beijings Tiananmen Square. Chinese fashion underwent sweeping change after the death in 1. Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong and the resultant economic liberalization. Western suits or casual wear became the norm. The androgynous gray or blue Mao suit essentially disappeared in the 1. Deng Xiaoping and a handful of aging leaders who dressed in the uniform of the Cultural Revolution until their deaths in the 1. Mao suits were being sold in Hong Kong and Shanghai boutiques as high priced nostalgia wear, saturated with postmodern irony. Entertainment. The power of media conglomerates and the ubiquity of entertainment programming has globalized televisions impact and made it a logical target for accusations of cultural imperialism. Critics cite a 1. Fiji to the popularity of American television programs, notably Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 9. Both series featured slender young actresses who, it was claimed, led Fijian women who are typically fuller figured to question indigenous notions of the ideal body. Anti globalism activists contend that American television shows have corrosive effects on local cultures by highlighting Western notions of beauty, individualism, and sexuality. Although many of the titles exported are considered second tier shows in the United States, there is no dispute that these programs are part of the daily fare for viewers around the world. Television access is widespread, even if receivers are not present in every household. In the small towns of Guatemala, the villages of Jiangxi province in China, or the hill settlements of Borneo, for instance, one television setoften a satellite system powered by a gasoline generatormay serve two or three dozen viewers, each paying a small fee. Collective viewing in bars, restaurants, and teahouses was common during the early stages of television broadcasting in Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, and many other countries. By the 1. 98. 0s video viewing parlours had become ubiquitous in many regions of the globe. Live sports programs continue to draw some of the largest global audiences. The 1. 99. 8 World Cup mens football soccer final between Brazil and France was watched by an estimated two billion people. After the 1. 99. 2 Olympic Games, when the American Dream Team of National Basketball Association NBA stars electrified viewers who had never seen the sport played to U. S. professional standards, NBA games were broadcast in Australia, Israel, Japan, China, Germany, and Britain. In the late 1. 99. Swiss Made DELUXE by Max Pantieri. Published on Sep 3, 2. Covering the best Switzerland has to offer, from fine watchmaking to jewelry, innovations.