October 2. 01. 2 Bondage Video Discussion Forum Archive. Well, obviously Im completely alone in this, but as Ive stated before, I see no merit in DGITH so my vote goes of course to SAW III And since there two others polls as well, Ill answer it now cause theyre shorter. I dont mind bush or no bush. What matters to me is, its pussy. CommunityServer.Components.SiteFiles/imagefeed/featured/blizzard/wow-overflow/draenor/patch-6-0-2/WoW602-610.jpg' alt='Vermeer 2 Patch Update Wow' title='Vermeer 2 Patch Update Wow' />All crossword clues in our system starting with the letter P. This page argues the case against bullfighting in a new and distinctive way. Horse racing Ice hockey Karate Olympics Racing Motorsport Baseball is a batandball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score. READER MAIL. Alright time for round 2. Again we have a buttload of submissions sent my way throughout last year. All these emails, plus the last lot posted a few. If its bushy pussy wow, that rhymes, I can live with it cause I like this lady Nia Jex But Ill be gay if I dont like what Adrianne Michelle has to offer So, yeah, bushy or not, its fine with me. And as to whos more attractive between Johanna Brushay Debra Mc. Cabe, in all honesty, its a matter of taste. For example, I dont find Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, and Kate Winslet to be attractive at all, hence I dont find their nude scenes a turn on. The Fair God A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico, Lewis Wallace, Lew Wallace 9781436873864 143687386X History of Stamford 1879, Charles Nevinson. Even more Account Options. Sign in Search settings. Todays MAM cover is from Mans Epic July 1966 Saunders art. Ralphus wrote Damsels in distress are an integral part of the mass media culture. Statistical Techniques Statistical Mechanics. The healing mineral water made from genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt in Czech Republic is a natural mineral supplement used in Europe since 1764. Biotherapy. Bring Out the GIMP Girls in Merciless Peril October 2012 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of many years of archives. But I find Elena Anaya, Amber Heard, and Emmanuelle Beart to be incredibly beautiful, so I love their nude scenes. Its a matter of taste. If u find JB to be more beautiful, you have a good taste. If you find DMC to be prettier, you also score yourself a good deal. But considering DMC was 3. Id say she definitely takes a good care of her body And I think she has quite the big natural bust too which is always a plus pun intended. If she were a mother, she would be MILF. Though I dont know whether or not she got kids. So, now, lets get back to the main poll. First of all, the scene with Johanna Brushay is too short. And I failed to notice the so called dramatic build up to this burning alive scene because we only see her struggle for no more than 1. JB for a brief amount of time, and there she goes with a bang. So, in that sense, I consider this a failure of building a proper tension. Its done too quickly, and if my time count is right, it didnt even last 3 minutes. Im not saying this is a bad scene, but I do think its a badly done and badly shot scene. It can be prolonged to 1. The Freezer Torture in SAW III, with JB being taunted about what could happen to her for a longer amount of runtime, but it didnt happen. And thats too bad, considering the situation actress was perfect. I did hear, however, that they had to rush the shooting because it was freezing and JB felt so cold. If that were the case, then why not shoot it at daylightNobody would notice the difference, especially since its done inside a bunker. Now, as to why I obviously chose SAW III. I have talked about this before, but Ill say it again this is how a torture scene should be done. Especially when it comes to GIMP, because this was done in a proper amount of time, and hence, it had everything a good GIMP scene could want i. Length, because the scene lasted 1. Enough preparation and delivery for a mainstream GIMP scene. Attractive victim with complete nudity. Good tension build up. And this is the thing that matters the most. First, when Jeff enters the freezer room, we are given a glimpse of what is standing there right in front of him And then as the light goes and the door locks automatically, we are shown what truly is there And there she is, suspended with nothing to cover an inch of her dignity. Not only we got a good shot of every part of her body, we also got to see shes struggling to defend herself from the irresistible cold. And if you take a closer look, not only her wrists are restrained with a metal like collar put underneath a circle of chain, secured with a padlock. Her feet are free, yes, but I think we got enough information to believe there is no way she can escape without others help. Shes at their mercy, thats another score for the GIMP And then we start seeing her beg for her life, how shes dying and how she can no longer feel her arms. This is what I call a good tension building the victim in question offers us what her current condition is. This is also underlined by the fact that when Jeff came to the room, she showed no struggle against her restraints. That means shes been there for quite some time and her effort to break her was for nothing. At least so far. And we even see how Jeff failed to safe her the first time. Then, we move on to the fact why she is put in this torture in the first place. So, she has to ask the help of someone she wronged in the past. Sure, we didnt see her before this scene, but at least her action and her current predicament shows what shes like in life, as Jigsaw said it shes a coward. Then, we are given what her torture really likes As we can see, not an inch of her form was missed. Even her hair was forcibly made to freeze. We saw her struggle and scream, so although I dont really know which one is worse, burnt to death or frozen to death, I think we can all agree the process of being frozen to death is far from a walk in the park. Every cell of her body was made to stop against her will, thats a very frightening thing to receive no matter who you are. She even swallowed some of the water and forcibly puked them out after the first barrage started. As if she tried to lessen her own pain doing that. We then saw how she tried to defend herself, see if Jeff can find the heart to help her. At least this scene didnt rush the development of her character, though she isnt a good person, she wants to live. Jeff ignores her plea and the second barrage rushes in This time, she only struggled as the initial reaction. Nearing the end of the torture, she stops doing anything and succumbs to whatever pain she must be experiencing. Flash Text Files Resolume Arena. Though you may say this is not as worse as being burnt alive, this is slower than the process JB endured. And whats worse is, being so slow, theres also a psychological burden she must shoulder. Even the director said if it werent for the way DMC sold the scene, the entire torture would have been a mess. So, she made a final plea to Jeff, simply saying Oh, God. We did see her trying to move away once, we did see her scream after that, but we no longer saw her struggling. Its as if she almost gave up and left everything to Jeff. And then, her torture finally ended. She slowly died of hypothermia as her body became solidly encased with ice And thats that. Thats how I like my GIMP scene clear, Hitchcockian, and deserving. As for the blue tint problem, I dont know why its such a turn on. It IS blue in every freezer room Ive been in, which it makes it more realistic. I mean, just compare this To this I think the blue one definitely fits the scene and the mood more.